New Electronic Gadgets

New Electronic Gadgets

New Electronic Gadgets

The last year was an unforeseen one. We saw the global pandemic, the world’s well-renowned business companies took big hits. With many even filing for bankruptcy, a lot niches faced ups and downs. However, one thing to be learned from the statistics is that technology is ever on the upprise.

The tech industry constantly came up with brand new technologies, great innovations and many launches.

There are many new tech launches to look forward into 2021.

2021 is destined to see the launch of the following gadgets:


Latest Electronic Gadgets – LG puricare 

New Electronic Gadgets

The concept behind the LG puricare, is a fan powered wearable mask. It us supposed to have a UV light technology that is capable of killing germs and viruses which is certainly the need of the hour.

It has also placed on the radar due to the innovative technology it could come up with for contract tracing and air-quality sensors.

Electronic Gadget for Men – Electric Vehicles

New Electronic Gadgets

electronic vehicles are long born and very long due in Indian markets. Entering 2021! We already had an great announcement with Tesla aiming to enter the Indian market in the mid-2021 mark.

The Tesla is one of the biggest motor empire. Elon Musk announced Tesla to hit the Indian market’s very soon, the uproar as for the EV has certainly increased. However, it is also important to be mindful of the huge capital to be invested in setting up the necessary infrastructure for the EV’s to enter the Indian market.


Portable UV Sanitisers

Looking at the rising numbers, we can certainly say that the social distancing norms are here to stay for a while. So it only makes sense to always carry a sanitiser and what better technology than a “portable sanitiser” for you and your gadgets.

New Electronic Gadgets

Portable UV sanitisers are the much needed technology and certainly serves at it’s best during a global pandemic.

These portable UV sanitisers can be kept in the cars and some are also being assumed be very compact and pocket-friendly.

Digital Gadgets – Air Tags

New Electronic Gadgets

Apple ceo, announced their air tags. These tags are a marvellous creation of technology. Apple tags can be put on wallets, bags, luggage, mobile phones, keys and any other possible daily object. The tags work on a concept of GPS tracking, it works synonymous to the Find my iPhone.

The device Said to use ultra-wide band radio to accurately track the movements of the other devices which have been tagged with the Apple’s air tag. They also have the advance wireless charging feature just like the apple’s already existing i watches.

Electronics New Gadgets – Hydraloop

This is a game changing water recycling unit. It was developed by the Hydraloop systems BV. It is a compact device unit. It can recycle up 80% of the used water and make it usable for other purposes. This not only saves water but also saves energy Bill. This unit is not just appealing to the eye, but also pleasing to the environment. It reduces carbon footprint. Which can definitely be seen as the need of the decade in view of the water issues around the world. However

New Electronic Gadgets

this environment friendly unit does not come cheap, It can cost upwards of 4000$.

How ever in the longer run, It does seem like a very beneficial investment.

Withings Smart Scan Watch

New Electronic Gadgets

Do you know what is better than just watch? A smartwatch! And to add to that the cherry on the top would be a medical grade watch. Withings Smart scan watch is just that. It has one of a kind and one of the first wearable, that can boast medical grade electrocardiogram as well as monitor your blood pressure and oxygen/carbon saturation levels too. It is expected to roll out in the markets after the mid-year mark of 2020. It is expected to be battery powered and sleek looking. audience that you are well aware of the current events. This will help you in getting more and more reach and increasing your outreach. You might also be able to connect with a new audience.

Yubico Yubikey

New Electronic Gadgets

They key to all your problems and charger mess. yubico yubikey is the literal key to all your charging problems. The two most commonly used keys are type-C, the lightning version and the USBC/NFC version. This Yubico key has all that you need, the best of both.

It is compatible with a long list of applications and services, right from Twitter, CloudFare, dropbox, AWS.

Omni VR Treadmill

This is perhaps the most advanced and promising technologies there will ever be. This is a dream come true for all the gaming experts. The fanatics who love to experience the virtual reality with the topmost quality. Omni-VR treadmill is really the most experienced one can ever get their hands on. It’s promised to be rolling out anywhere after the mid-year mark.

It is a masterpiece of very compact technology. It is the ultimate at home 360 degrees experience. The device let’s you move in all the directions while you are held in place by a smart arm. It keeps a track of your movements. It notes when you walk, run or make the slightest of the movement.

New Electronic Gadgets

Spray Care Band

New Electronic Gadgets

These bands are the perfect advancement looking at the need of the hour. These bands are a more appealing and compact version of portable sanitizers. It sprays a jet of sanitiser from the base of your wrist through a small nozzle; it gives the illusion of being a spider man throwing his web on things, it is a very fun take on an essential commodity.

Zoox Personal Vehicles

New Electronics Gadgets

If you are a fan of futuristic technology paired with travelling then the zoox personal vehicle is your way to go. It looks as if it was just pulled Out of a 2040 movie. It has a striking blue colour with black accents. It is designed with interior space cabin, with two benches on the either side. It imitates a luxurious seating with ample of space. It is a ride stylish and comfortable. It can be hailed like a normal taxi. Fairly comfortable and user-friendly.

AI Powered Mopbots

This is every house hold’s dream machine. This mop-bot is a tiny very compact well made piece of technology. The mop-bot can be controlled wirelessly, via an app built for it. It can be instructed not only to vaccum but mop, brush and clean as much as 2000sq.feet in one go. This master-piece is available for orders on Amazon’s choice.

New Electronics Gadget

Creality Ender 3 Pro

The drawing in the air turning into a really thing, this reality is finally here! With Creality ender 3 pro, the 3D printing reality is here. With this device the 3D printing is now available for everyone. It is a compact and sleek looking machine, it is a steal for the price and great for the quality it is supposedly available on Amazon since a while, however with 2021 it has been reported to have more sales and more type x models rolling out with far more accuracy and precision.

New Electronic Gadgets


‘BYOT’ stands for “build your own telescope”. With the great conjunction in latter part of 2020, the whole concept of star gazing and planet watching has been on the uprise. This makes it the perfect time to roll out interactive telescope making kits. Which are good grade and also very effective to gaze through.

These BYOT kits will be extensively available on Amazon for very affordable price.

Lexilife Lexilight dyslexia reading lamp

New Electronic Gadgets

For anyone who suffers with dyslexia knows how difficult it is to focus and read even the simplest of the sentences. This device in particular has come up to help with the reading aid. This light help by using pulsed light to help reduce the mirroring effect cause due to dyslexia. In people suffering with dyslexia, both the eyes mirror the same pattern thus sending the same information to the brain and confusing it. However with the aid of Lexilife Lexilight dyslexia reading lamp, the mirror effect can be reduced this helps the people suffering due to dyslexia read better.

These are some of the most anticipated technologies soon to be released or steady rolling out. 2021 sure has some great tech launches lined up.

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